
Accuracy. For those of us who grew up on video games, this word may conjure up hooded archers and sharpshooters. While others may visualize scientists, statisticians, or students. Generally, we imagine sports or people whose success depends on an ability to be correct.  But accuracy is a skill we can all practice. One that allows each of us the chance to concentrate our efforts. In its pursuit, we refine the way we nourish ourselves towards our highest expression. We give ourselves the opportunity to hone our decision-making to better serve our own heart, life, and well-being on a moment to moment basis.  


As @functionalcoach explains, this skill is not simply about hitting a bull’s eye, though.  There is an element of intensity involved. Can we apply the right amount force necessary in the moment for overall success? Not too much…or too little. 


Today I witnessed a lack of accuracy begin to  play out internally when I was making excuses for not working out and taking an “all or nothing” mentality with training.  I began to mask my lack of discipline with the stresses that come from being off my normal routine.  I almost skipped my workout completely for other kinds of work (mentally siting the latest study on adrenal fatigue while I was at it). 


But I was born to move, and I know a day without any dedicated time for movement is not true to who I am and what I value.  


Instead, I asked myself—based on the current situation, what is the most accurate choice for me today?  How can I apply the right amount of force where needed? In the end, I decided to do the @birthfit Functional Progression and 1/2 of my planned workout, because that’s what I had the time, energy, and capacity for in the moment. On another day, the answer may have been a walk with the kids or a yoga flow. 


How are you being inaccurate in your ability to apply force? What’s the most accurate choice for you today? 


Balance. Sometimes we talk about it as if it’s an end point or destination—one we will know when we get there.  Joy, peace, and purpose will be wrapped up in a neat little package, and balance will be the bow that ties them all together.  


In reality, balance reflects a continual state of change.  It is our ability to make the tiniest of adjustments to stay upright.  Recently, while watching my weekly video in Coach’s Prep 101, I listened to Logan Gelbrich relay the definition for balance in relation to movement.  He said balance is our ability to keep our center of mass over our base of support.  How quickly can we adjust our shape to counteract any sudden shifts? How controlled and efficient are those adjustments?   


The goal is not to stand still, but to alter our shape or fine-tune our position based on what’s needed, and maybe even have fun doing it. The more demanding the task, the more precise our adjustments need to be, but even if you are simply taking one step forward, you must purposely push yourself off-balance and trust that you will adjust to catch yourself (or practice until you can). 


Go into the week remembering that similar to this definition of balance, who you are is bound up in the process itself. The negative self-talk and emotions are simply old patterns. If you are trying to get better, failing, and trying again, that’s who you are. You grow, you adjust, you forgive, you try, you change, you learn, you show up, you heal, you love. That’s who you are, and it matters that you know it.